Choice of stones is for sure to see what kind of stones you like
but the right choice is also linked to the following important factors:
-use extérior or interior location on the project having importance if freezing
resistance needed
-use in vertical or horizontal
-average sizes foreseen ,some stones having limitation
-idea of color variation expected or accepted
-some stones are changing color due to the location and the local pollution and
the selected finish .
-see some references works done a few years ago in similar uses in case of needed
and giving the above information.
My expert in stones having references worldwide could be helping you to select the
right matérials in sizes , finish .... pls contact

Welcome to contact with me,my contact way is as follows:
Personal Website:
Since the end of 2008 retired but still acting as independent company in the procurement of worldwide market building materials with mainly articles on which I have 35 years experience and especially :
- stones business on which I can deal as expert to help architect ,client, designers to select the best technical specifications materials and sourcing worldwide .Having done this help for so long time, and having too a show-room in Belgium, it helps to show a lot of samples . List of references projects include palaces, hotels, building offices, and private clients.
-finishing products like ceramic tiles , flooring , facades claddings ,aluminium windows and doors ,false ceilings
The way to collaborate is to be agreed on, but open to discuss case per case And to be limited on assistance to: -assistance at the tender stage of projects (check quantities, sourcing ,budget estimating of supply including incidence transport , duties.)
- supply of items on which I have references for many years on the worldwide market and including far-east origin on which I am dealing for several years.